Memcached in Cloud Web Hosting
Memcached comes as an optional upgrade with each and every cloud web hosting package that we are offering and in case you would like to use it for any script-based website that you host on our avant-garde cloud web hosting platform, you’ll be able to add it in a couple of easy steps via your Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you will be given the option to upgrade two separate things – the number of instances and the memory. The first one is related to the number of the Internet sites that can use the Memcached memory caching system simultaneously, so if you need it for several websites, you can get a number of instances. The second one refers to the total amount of memory that the system will be able to use to cache content, so for numerous websites (or for one single resource-demanding site), you’d better get more memory for better results. The memory is offered in increments of 16 MB and more memory can be ordered at any point. With Memcached, each script-based Internet site hosted on our cloud servers will open extra-fast.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you acquire any of our semi-dedicated server packages, you will find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so if you want to use it for any of the sites hosted in your semi-dedicated account, you can enable it with just a couple of mouse clicks. The distributed memory caching platform is suitable for any script-powered web app like WordPress, Joomla™, or even an in-house built one, and depending on your requirements, you’ll be able to choose two separate things – how many websites will use the Memcached caching platform, in other words – the number of instances; and how much information will be stored, in other words – the amount of system memory that the platform will employ. The two features are not tied to each other, so if you have a high-demand Internet site with lots of data, you can order one instance and a larger amount of system memory. Memcached will increase the performance of your sites shortly after you enable it and both you and your site visitors will enjoy better load speeds.
Memcached in Dedicated Web Hosting
Memcached is available free of charge with all Linux dedicated servers hosting packages offered by us and the one and only requirement is that the dedicated machine must be ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. You can use the object caching system for any database-powered website, including those that are based on famous apps – for instance, a WordPress personal journal or a Joomla™-powered community site. Each dedicated server comes with a certain amount of system memory that the Memcached caching system can employ, but the minimum amount you will get is three gigabytes, which is quite enough to optimize the speed of very large sites considerably, since this memory will be dedicated to storing the cached information. The Memcached system will start storing content as soon as it’s activated, so soon after that, you will see the enhanced performance of your websites and the reduced load on your server. Numerous websites use Memcached to improve their effectiveness, including famous ones such as Reddit and Wikipedia.