If you’ve bought a hosting plan and you have some queries about a particular function/feature, or if you have faced some complication and you require assistance, you should be able to get in touch with the respective help desk team. All web hosts use a ticketing system regardless of whether they offer other means of contacting them aside from it or not, as the fastest way to fix a problem most often is to use a ticket. This type of communication makes the responses exchanged by both sides simple to follow and allows the support team members to escalate the case in the event that, for instance, a system administrator needs to intervene. In the general case, the ticketing system is not directly connected to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, which means that you must use at least two different accounts to contact the customer service staff and to actually manage the hosting space. Non-stop logging in and out of different accounts may sometimes be a burden, not to mention the fact that it takes quite a long period of time for the majority of hosting companies to respond to the tickets themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Web Hosting

In stark contrast to what you may find with many other web hosting providers, the ticketing system that we’re using with our Linux cloud web hosting packages is an essential part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all accounts. You will not have to remember different logon credentials, since you’ll be able to manage your tickets and the hosting account itself from one location. So, in case you’ve got a query or come across an obstacle, you can contact our client care staff right away. Our system offers an intelligent search functionality. This goes to say that even if you have submitted a large number of tickets over the years, you’ll be able to find the one that you need effortlessly. In addition, you can see knowledge base recommendations for tackling commonly confronted problems.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated packages, was created with the belief that you should be able to manage everything connected to your semi-dedicated account from one location and the trouble tickets make no exception. Our ticketing system is built into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so, in case you’ve got an inquiry or run into an obstacle, you can touch base with our tech support staff representatives momentarily without the need to sign into some other interface. You can search through your website files or check different settings within your account while sending a new ticket or reading the response to an old one. If you’ve got tons of tickets and you want to find a particular one, you can take advantage of the smart search option, which is available in the Help section. We’ll make sure you get a reply in less than an hour regardless of the nature of your query or problem.