Using our Web Instruments, you’re able to focus on your website’s acceptance from your Web Hosting Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you will get a comprehensive sitemap for your web site in no time. You could send the sitemap to the major search engines so that they can scan your site in a timely manner. Moreover, from the RSS News tool, you could install routinely kept up to date publications on your website, which is a warranty for greater rating positions with search engines. American Patriot Hosting’s GeoIP re–direction application will let you route visitors from a certain region into a special language variation of your web site for more precise marketing end results.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all your webpages in an instant

The easiest way of getting your recently launched site indexed by the major search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap displays all of the web pages on your web site and by uploading it to a search engine, you notify it that you would like those pages to be crawled as fast as possible. Sitemaps are often developed by third–party applications. Nevertheless, with American Patriot Hosting, you do not need to move from your Web Hosting Control Panel. American Patriot Hosting’s in–house made Sitemap Generator is integrated within the Advanced Tools part and will complete a sitemap on your behalf in a mouse click.

All you should do is select the max number of webpages you prefer to be scanned, the range of the indexed URLs and also the format of the sitemap file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Reroute website visitors as outlined by their location

With the GeoIP re–direction application that is integrated into the Domain Manager of the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to route your clients according to their geographical area. For instance, in case you have various language variants of the site, you could set up a particular language variation to immediately load for users from the country where that language is spoken. In this way, if a customer from France opens up your web site, she will be immediately brought to the French variant, without the need to change to French on her own. To use the GeoIP re–direction application , you will not need any kind of experience or technical capabilities. Simply identify the geographic location of the visitors and the URL of your website that you want to come up for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most current news on your web site

In the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which lets you insert publications from the trusted media channels globally within your sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News Syndication application works automatically and won’t require any extra configuration work on your end,

The RSS News Publication module is fully customizable with regards to HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to adjust the number of news items that will be presented, exactly how they will look like, precisely how they will be arranged, and so forth.

RSS News