We furnish you with a user–friendly and uncomplicated Database Manager, bundled up in our Web Hosting Control Panel, from which you could make brand new MySQL and PgSQL databases right away. In addition, you are enabled to manage all of their configuration settings via the quick access offered to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools.

Neat and Very easy User interface

Command all your databases from within one place

The Database Manager in the Web Hosting Control Panel contains a robust but still straightforward interface. It is easy to configure a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just entering a user name and security password. Also, you can create a backup file or customize the password of a database with only a mouse click.

Via the Database Manager you’ll get immediate access to the administration area for each of your databases, meaning you can make simple and easy adjustments if you happen to need to.

Hepsia File Manager

Effortless Database Data backup

Safeguard your database content with merely a click of the mouse

If you have worked with databases, you are aware that creating a manual database back–up is simply not a basic task. As a way to change this, we’ve created an easy to understand tool that can back up your complete database with a single click of the mouse. The data backup file will be all set for you in under a minute, based on the size of the selected database.

There aren’t any restrictions on the actual number of copies you may make for a chosen database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

By far the most protected open source databases

You are going to find PgSQL support in all our Linux cloud web hosting packages plans. PgSQL databases aren’t as sought after and widespread as MySQL, nevertheless they supply the highest level of protection for your site content and articles. Due to this, several popular companies such as Skype and Yahoo utilize PgSQL databases. Handling PgSQL databases is as simple and easy as MySQL, as a result of the incredibly user–friendly interface of the Database Manager.

PgSQL databases are integrated automatically with the most advanced web hosting bundles. For the standard plans, they’re suggested as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

With American Patriot Hosting, you shall inevitably find the most recent edition of MySQL and the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, installed.

InnoDB is a lot more reliable in comparison to the earlier storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, even more importantly – it has 100% transaction support. Furthermore, it makes use of row–level locking, in lieu of MyISAM’s table–level locking, that previously used to lead to efficiency troubles at peak usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Precise statistics for all your databases

Checking the load caused by the databases on your dynamic website assists you to reduce virtually any overload problems that might slow it down and chase away visitors. For that reason, we’ve provided a thorough Database Stats tool in the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you will find broad information regarding the incoming requests to your databases for each hour, day and month.

In line with the amount of daily and hourly queries, you will be able to find out what databases are used the most and also take procedures to optimize their work.

Hepsia File Manager