Within the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you will find a selection of Advanced Tools. They’re made for cloud hosting clients that are accustomed to taking care of their web hosting environment. However, thanks to the user–friendly user interface in the Web Hosting Control Panel, they are pretty straightforward to make use of, even for rookies. What’s more, we have added a wide range of meticulous how–to videos that can help novice clients swiftly discover ways to operate the software instruments!

Hotlink Protection

Safeguard yourself from bandwidth theft

When you come up with unique content material there is always somebody who will attempt to get hold of it devoid of your authorization. It pertains simultaneously to written content and also pics. This is where the Hotlink Protection tool included in American Patriot Hosting’s Web Hosting Control Panel will really help you. With a mouse–click, you’ll take care of all pictures within your site by preventing other websites from backlinking to them.

By result of this, you won’t just put a stop to people from stealing your photos, but you’ll also make sure you follow your monthly data traffic restriction.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Automatic creation of .htaccess files

Bundled in the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel you can get .htaccess Generator – a powerful tool, which allows you to make .htaccess files with no need to make them manually. American Patriot Hosting’s tool requires zero experience and no expertise in .htaccess file management.

Using an .htaccess file, it’s easy to reroute several webpages of one’s website or, perhaps the entire site to a whole new area. You may as well use it to safeguard a directory by using a username and password as well as to have PHP code inside HTML files, etc.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Prevent harmful IPs from your site

If you need to stop a spammer from your site, an online troll from your community forum or even a a pack of IP addresses flooding your web site, you have to take full advantage of the easy–to–work–with IP blocking tool. It enables you to instantly prevent an IP address as well as a an entire IP array from ever accessing your site.

American Patriot Hosting’s IP Blocking tool is absolutely easy–to–work–with. All you need do is type in, the IP address (or addresses) that you would like to bar and click on the action button. All IPs you have entered are going to be blacklisted blazingly fast.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Customize the PHP settings for one’s web site

Should the script you are using needs a different PHP build, or, if you intend to make any PHP tweaks, it’s easy to do this within the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to change the PHP build with merely a click of your computer mouse, selecting from old PHP releases to the steady PHP release. You can even quickly alter the most vital settings in the php.ini file, or develop a total change of how your PHP build operates.

You don’t need to hold back for several hours or reboot anything for the adjustments to be effective. All of the modifications are carried out live once you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automated scheduled tasks

If there’s a thing that your site or app has got to conduct day after day, you can automate it by means of a cron job. Cron jobs let you set up scheduled duties, that can be completed at specific time periods. You may create cron jobs to e–mail you the condition of your web site regularly or to get rid of short–term files weekly in order to liberate disk space as part of your cloud hosting account.

Each and every cloud hosting pack comes with a specified range of cron jobs. Extra cron jobs are offered any time through your Web Hosting Control Panel.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Simple way to defend your data files

Password protection is really a solution to protect your website’s full content employing a username and password to ensure that only pre–specified people can access it. One example is, you may need username and password protection any time you develop your website and do not want major search engines or other people to find it before it is ready or when you’d like to make a personal directory for your website with authorized access.The Password Protection instrument included within the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel can help you do this with a few clicks. You’ll be the only one to know the username and password needed to sign in should you not share them with another person.

The security password will be held in a protected file format, so no one will be able to see it or check it out. Only you, as the website owner are going to be capable to modify it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with just several clicks

In the American Patriot Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, it’s possible to easily direct your site to a different site through the help of American Patriot Hosting’s URL Redirection tool. It’s really simple to use – everything you need to actually do is state just where your domain name is going to be pointing to. No need for any .htaccess files, PHP redirections whatsoever, DNS settings, etc. to be set. Your site is going to be redirected to the completely new location directly.

You can easily terminate the website redirection at any time. All you need to actually do is visit the URL Redirection tool and then disable the site re–direction. Your domain name will rapidly start pointing to the primary location.

URL Redirection