SSH Access

Completely free SSH access for your machine

To let you interact directly with your server, without having to utilize the Web Hosting Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated package. With this functionality, you are able to instantly interact with your data files, databases and domain names using your console. Nonetheless, since you will share the server with some other users, there’ll be no way for you to modify the server’s configuration.

SSH access is included as an addon service with the smaller plan, and as a cost-free incentive with the bigger setup.

SSH Access

24x7 Support

Get in touch with us at any time

You could email us 24x7 with any requests that you may possibly have about our Linux semi-dedicated packages. Don’t hesitate to contact us by using mail and by the ticketing system and we will answer back to you in up to sixty minutes. In reality, our typical reply time frame is only 20 minutes. On business days, you may phone us or use the online messaging program on our website.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Free-of-charge dedicated IP for your machine

A dedicated IP address is included absolutely free with the semi-dedicated 2 server set-up. You’ll be able to put it to use as soon as you are able to access the Web Hosting Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will have the ability to increase the individuality of your web site, to quickly set up an SSL certificate for your website, or even register your own name servers that will point to your unique IP address.

And also, if at any time you want another dedicated IP address, you can have it at a discount price straight from your Web Hosting Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

Scripting Support

Maximum script support on each of the web servers

All Linux semi-dedicated packages feature scripting support. You can make use of virtually any PHP or Python–based web app and benefit from around 3000 Perl modules backed up by our Linux servers. Also, you can handle MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and use the InnoDB MySQL database engine added to every single bundle. SSI, Zend Optimizer, ImageMagick and GD Library are also supported.

Scripting Support

Data Backups

Your site contents can be repaired anytime

No site is guarded against hacker assaults or from accidental information deletion on your end. With our backup solution, we can restore your site content and articles any time. Aside from the ordinary server backup copies that we create, you can yourself generate manually–operated backups of your site information with just a single click from the File Manager section of your 1 Click App Installer. Simply build an archive of the directories that you want to manually backup and put it in a area in your account that you like.

Data Backups

SSD Drives

Your web site will be a lot quicker with SSDs

All contemprorary desktop machines and notebooks have SSDs and for a reason. Solid–state drives offer much faster reading/writing speeds, helping to make the overall performance so much speedier. The very same will be applied to your Internet site if you host it with us. All our Linux semi-dedicated packages are provided with SSDs and the web sites managed with us work a lot quicker as opposed to the ones running on ordinary computer drives.

And the best part is that you will not really have to change or tweak anything whatsoever in order to make it perform a lot faster.

SSD Drives

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All Linux semi-dedicated packages are in our top-class USA located datacenter positioned in Chicago, Illinois. It was amongst the few US data center facilities that made it possible for us to install our modified internal network and also the only one that could deliver the hardware we needed promptly. It likewise has an excellent assistance team, which is readily available 24/7/365.

Another key advantage of the USA located datacenter is that it gives you fantastic network connectivity with the rest of the planet. As a result of that, all US Linux semi-dedicated packages are going to experience the best website loading rates.

USA Data Center


A safe and sound web app firewall software

Secure your apps (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etcetera) against cyber–thieves assaults with ModSecurity. It is a firewall software developed to safeguard apps against hacking activities. We have pre–installed the firewall to eliminate all common site assaults automatically. By rule, ModSecurity is allowed for every website host, but you are able to disable it for a various web page that you want.


  • Service guarantees

  • No service fees and a 99.9% uptime warranty with each semi–dedicated server. Cost–free Control Panel with unrestricted hosted domains.
  • Compare our prices

  • Find out more about American Patriot Hosting’s charges and pick out the ideal semi–dedicated server for your developing sites. Upgrade to a more powerful server configuration with a mouse click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Write to us whenever you want by email or through American Patriot Hosting’s really–fast ticketing platform. We’ll reply within 1 hour.