The website hosting package is excellent to create your small site, be it a weblog, a portfolio webpage, an electronic store, etc. within the cloud. It comes with a bonus domain name, a couple of mailboxes and a 1–click Web Applications Installer through which you can start off your world wide web presence in an instant.
Starter Package
Starter hosting at
$5.58/mo.Evaluate our web hosting platform with a 30-day free trial. No credit card necessary.
Website Installer
Kickstart your brand new site with one mouse click
Setting up a new site could be a hard and pricey task. But we, at American Patriot Hosting, did all the difficult work on your behalf – now you can create your site by using a pre–made web page layout with one click of the mouse. It is very easy – all you need to do is just indicate the type of your brand–new web site – personal or business, and choose a layout you like. Our system will deal with all the rest and will send you your login details so that you can begin working on your site momentarily.
24x7 Support
Contact us around the clock
You can contact us 24–7–365 with any questions that you might have with regard to our cloud web hosting solutions. You can touch base with us by e–mail and through the ticketing system and we’ll get back to you within maximum one hour. In fact, our average response time is less than 20 minutes. In addition, you can call us on the phone or use live chat during work hours.
Free Templates
More than one hundred charge–free Joomla™ and WordPress web themes to choose from
It is possible to download a new Wordpress or Joomla™ template with one mouse click from the Web Hosting Control Panel. You do not have to visit any third–party websites for first–rate web themes. We have a vast collection for you readily integrated into your web hosting account. All you need to do is pick the layout of your choosing and then hit the Download button. All web design layouts are totally free of charge for you.
Web App Installer
More than 40 web apps ready to pick from
Installing a web application can be a lengthy and uninteresting procedure. It’s so, unless you have an 1 Click App Installer tool with over forty plus available web apps, which you can install with a simple click. We have made the setup as simple as possible, which means that you will no longer have to spend time asking yourself how to set up your application. We will keep the login details within the Web Hosting Control Panel if you happen to forget your login credentials.
Website Builder
Set up your business or personal websites with a click
Going online is now amazingly easy with the Site Creating Instrument built into your Web Hosting Control Panel. Just pick a template from our collection of over one hundred personal and business web templates and after that upload your website content (photographs, articles, etcetera) with just a mouse click. In order to publish your web site online, just press the Publish button. It’s that simple. You can use the Website Builder for all the domain names in your hosting account.
Web Stats
Monitor your sites 24/7 from your web hosting Control Panel
The Web Hosting Control Panel features a collection of in–depth web statistic tools that will present you with in–depth information pertaining to your web site. You will be able to monitor your site’s traffic in detail and learn everything about your website visitors – where they come from and what device and web browser they’re utilizing. You can choose between 3 web statistics tools – the popular Webalizer and AWStats tools and a brand new fully featured web analytics user interface that we have created with your feedback and recommendations in mind.
Data Backups
Lost your website content? Make use of our backup solution
Once posted on the Internet, your website content is generally prone to cyber–thieves attacks. Alternatively, it could be affected even by your own personal accidental actions. With us, there’s nothing to worry about, since we always have a backup of your web site content, which can retrieved anytime. Also, you’re provided with the option to create manual backups of your entire web site with one click using the File Manager, which is incorporated into the Web Hosting Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all website files and will save them in a ZIP archive, which will be kept in your account.
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Service guarantees
- Sign up today. There won’t be any installation costs and you could make full use of our 30–day money–back warranty if you are not truly content with our services.
Compare our prices
- Look into our prices and select the right hosting service for your private or business sites. You’ll be able to move up to a more advanced bundle with a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- Get hold of us whenever you want within business hours on weekdays for just about any pre–sale or general queries in relation to our platform. Call us anytime.